Wednesday, 14 August 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Written responses
The Deputy President
Written responses
The DEPUTY PRESIDENT (12:53): For answers from question time, I order that written answers be given for Ms Purcell’s questions to the Minister for Agriculture, with two days for both answers, and also that a written answer be provided for Mr McCracken’s substantive question. That is required within one day.
Gaelle Broad: On a point of order, Deputy President, I have questions that remain unanswered. There are nine. I can list them now or provide them.
The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Okay, yes, if you want to do them.
Gaelle Broad: Good. Questions 1162, 915, 868, 827, 745, 672, 528, 386 and 244.
The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: We will ask the ministers to follow those up.