Wednesday, 14 August 2024
Constituency questions
South-Eastern Metropolitan Region
South-Eastern Metropolitan Region
Michael GALEA (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (13:01): (1026) My constituency question is for Minister Blandthorn in her capacity as Minister for Children. Last week the minister announced the new round of the bush kinder program, which provides one-off grants to help kindergartens establish or enhance offsite programs held in local outdoor natural spaces or enhance onsite programs by improving outdoor biodiversity. This program provides up to 150 kindergartens with grants of up to $6000 to give children more opportunities to learn and to get outdoors. Applications are currently open and they close on 4 September, with successful recipients to be announced later in the year. Eunoia Education Childcare Centre and Kindergarten in Berwick was a successful 2023 applicant from my electorate. I ask: Minister, how does the bush kinder program support kindergartens in the South-Eastern Metropolitan Region to establish nature programs that will give kinder-aged children more opportunities to get outdoors?