Wednesday, 14 August 2024
Constituency questions
Northern Metropolitan Region
Northern Metropolitan Region
Sheena WATT (Northern Metropolitan) (12:59): (1024) Every election it seems that the cohort of MPs gets younger and younger, and this place in particular must be home to some of our youngest ever MPs – one is sitting right behind me in fact – and they are truly an inspiration for young people across the state who are developing their own political positions, political identity and aspirations for the future. I really love seeing young people take an active interest in politics and I encourage all young people to keep updated and get involved in politics in any way that they can. At the grassroots local level or internationally, it does not matter: just make your voice heard. Young people from my electorate often contact my electorate office, and recently a year 11 student at Brunswick Secondary named Zac came in to ask some questions about how the government works and how government policy is formulated. I ask, on behalf of Zac, the Minister for Youth in the other place: what is the Allan Labor government doing to support young people across the Northern Metropolitan Region?