Wednesday, 14 August 2024
Constituency questions
Western Victoria Region
Western Victoria Region
Bev McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (13:03): (1027) My question for the Minister for Health concerns evidence given by local council CEOs at last week’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee hearing in Camperdown. Members heard from several councils that a ministerial letter dated 31 July now demands they pay a new annual fee to co-fund the Department of Health’s central immunisation register and an additional fee for each individual immunisation registered. Neither consultation nor advance notice was provided, and the demand comes far too late for inclusion in budgets prepared for this financial year. As one example, the estimated cost to Warrnambool City Council is $35,000, money which must now be found by cuts to other resident services. I am not sure what is worse: the disorganisation, the disrespect or the financial incompetence which has led to this new demand. Minister, when will you reverse the imposition of this jab tax – a tax on health and a raid on council budgets?