Tuesday, 18 March 2025
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Construction industry
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Construction industry
David DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan) (12:31): (850) My question is to the Treasurer. Treasurer, the 2023–24 fourth-quarter financial report lists a $2.2 billion payment from Treasurer’s advance to the Level Crossing Removal Project. Payments from Treasurer’s advance, according to the appropriation act, are to enable the Treasurer to meet urgent claims that may arise before parliamentary sanction is obtained. I therefore ask: Treasurer, can you assure the house that none of the money allocated through this Treasurer’s advance, or any other similar Treasurer’s payments, has been siphoned off by corrupt CFMEU officials and bikies who have a grip on the Allan Labor government’s Big Build programs?
Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Treasurer, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Regional Development) (12:32): Mr Davis, it is my firm expectation that people act lawfully – people that are in receipt of government funding to deliver projects. That is what the money should be spent on. Again, I reiterate that with any allegations there are appropriate ways to report them.
In relation to Treasurer’s advances, I went through this in some detail with Ms Payne last week I believe in relation to the purposes of Treasurer’s advances, and obviously we are well-versed in emergencies, disaster, support and the like. They are also used as contingency releases in relation to meeting invoices and milestones of already announced and funded projects, and I think that is what you were getting to in relation to the information in your question. I have, as you know, asked for further advice in relation to – despite measures for greater transparency – if there is more that we can do in relation to ensuring there is the ability to distinguish between those two variations of Treasurer’s advances and their purposes.
David DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan) (12:34): Thank you, Treasurer. I ask: will you indicate to the house what steps you will take before you authorise any further payments, such as Treasurer’s advances, for Big Build projects to ensure the money is not siphoned off to crooked CFMEU officials and bikies?
Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Treasurer, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Regional Development) (12:34): Mr Davis, there are strict terms of contracts that, again, I expect compliance with. Any allegations of misappropriation should be referred to the appropriate bodies. I can confirm that Victoria Police have current investigations underway. If you have any information you would like to contribute to those, I would encourage you to do so.