Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Constituency questions

Northern Victoria Region


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Northern Victoria Region

Wendy LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (13:01): (1467) My question is for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure. Will the minister cancel the demolition of the Benalla rail signal box, which is due to be demolished this weekend, 22 and 23 March, and instead relocate and restore this much-loved piece of Benalla’s rail heritage? Over the weekend I was contacted by constituents wishing to make a plea for an eleventh-hour stay of execution for the Benalla rail signal box. The signal box was built in the 1870s and has been a feature of the Benalla rail precinct ever since, but unfortunately it stands in the way of the inland rail project. Locals in Benalla understand it cannot remain in its current position but are keen to see it relocated near the proposed new platform on the Railway Place and Hannah Street side of the rail line. Relocation and restoration of signal boxes is not impossible. It has happened in many other places in Victoria. The engineer’s report has identified that work would need to be done to make the signal box sound, but that should not be a barrier to preserving a community’s heritage.