Tuesday, 18 March 2025
Members statements
Medical research industry
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Medical research industry
Georgie CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (13:35): It is very concerning to be reading reports about the medical research industry in this state being under threat as a direct result of the lack of funding and support provided by the Allan Labor government. Reports today talking about 14 institutes being on track to go broke by 2028–29 should alarm every single member of the government. This again shows the government’s priorities are all wrong. They are prioritising spending and funding in areas that are not as urgent as health care or some of these areas like medical research, which provide life-saving medical trials for many, many Victorians, indeed Australians and people around the world.
This is an incredibly important industry. It employs tens of thousands of people, but it provides life-saving drugs, research and innovation that have put Victoria on the map globally. I would ask the government to reconsider some of their spending priorities and ensure that there is proper funding in this year’s budget to ensure that this very vital and necessary industry sector is maintained so that we can continue with the great work that so many do.