Tuesday, 18 March 2025
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: Aboriginal Children’s Forum
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Ministers statements: Aboriginal Children’s Forum
Lizzie BLANDTHORN (Western Metropolitan – Minister for Children, Minister for Disability) (12:35): I rise to update the house on the Allan Labor government’s commitment to partnering with Aboriginal-led organisations to ensure Aboriginal children and families thrive. Last week I met with members of the Aboriginal Children’s Forum in Preston. I was thrilled to be joined by the Parliamentary Secretary for Children and local member for Preston from the other place, Nathan Lambert. The Aboriginal Children’s Forum brings together representatives from Victoria’s Aboriginal community controlled organisations, community service organisations and the Victorian government. This year is the 10th anniversary of the forum, first established in 2015. Since then it has worked to promote the safety, health and resilience of Aboriginal children and young people.
Last week I joined forum members in congratulating Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-operative on recently becoming fully authorised under the Aboriginal Children in Aboriginal Care program. Through the program Rumbalara will work with children and their families to develop case plans and achieve long-term objectives in a way that is culturally appropriate and in the best interests of the children. I would like to congratulate CEO Felicia Dean and the whole team at Rumbalara for the work they have done to reach this important milestone. This is a fantastic outcome for Aboriginal children and families in the Goulburn area.
This program is just one part of the largest ever single investment from the 2023–24 budget of $140 million over four years, because this Allan Labor government is committed to the expansion of the Aboriginal-led children and family service system. Through this investment we are expanding the Aboriginal Children in Aboriginal Care program and the Community Protecting Boorais program; providing additional koori-supported playgroups; allowing more Aboriginal families to access Aboriginal-led rapid engagement and diversion family services, which are aimed at diverting families from the child protection system; and funding additional Aboriginal families receiving the Aboriginal family preservation and reunification response. In every step of the way we are working alongside Aboriginal-led organisations in the spirit of self-determination. I want to acknowledge the contribution and work of all members of the Aboriginal Children’s Forum. Aboriginal people know the unique needs of their communities best. We are proud to partner with Aboriginal-led organisations to ensure that together we can provide vital services to keep families together, thriving, culturally rich and strong.