Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Constituency questions

Western Victoria Region


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Western Victoria Region

Bev McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (12:58): (1464) My constituency question for the Minister for Local Government concerns the Southern Grampians shire’s shocking plan to cut down Hamilton CBD’s beautiful plane trees and the extraordinary cost of consultants employed to justify the plan. The 40-year-old, majestic trees embody Hamilton. Their rich canopy is the pride of the town, offering sanctuary on a hot summer day, boosting the mental health of residents and bolstering tourism and the environment. They are also subject to a heritage order. A 2020 CBD master plan described the fantastic street trees adding charm and character to the town centre. Just four years later, a brand new, $600,000 masterplan condemns the trees – $600,000 is more than twice the total rates increase levied by the council on residents. Minister, will you ask the council to justify their opinion shopping, which has led to massive spending on this new report and its appalling and unpopular recommendations?