Tuesday, 18 March 2025
Members statements
Northern Victoria Region sporting events
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Northern Victoria Region sporting events
Rikkie-Lee TYRRELL (Northern Victoria) (13:40): My members statement today is dedicated to congratulating the athletic achievements of the Shepparton Feathers badminton club and the participants in the Wangaratta Marathon over the weekend. On Saturday I was welcomed to the Shepparton Feathers badminton championship, where I was lucky enough to have a front row seat to see the men’s final round. I was blown away by the skill and absolute speed of the players. Before the award ceremony we were also treated to a flash mob of kids putting on some very impressive dancing skills. Well done, Shepp Feathers, for a terrific season.
On Sunday I hauled my very unfit self out of bed at 6 am to join the hundreds of participants in the Wangaratta Marathon. Naturally, I only participated in the mini 5-kilometre run, but I was proud to pull on the Centre Against Violence singlet and hat and join the team running against violence. I am still feeling the workout today, but that is nothing in comparison to the thousands of Australians still facing violence every day. Congratulations to the organisers and the participants.