Tuesday, 18 March 2025
Constituency questions
Northern Metropolitan Region
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Northern Metropolitan Region
Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (12:56): (1462) My question is to the Minister for Public and Active Transport, and I ask the minister about the lack of public transport options at all in the Hidden Valley community in Wallan. This is something I have raised before, but I have received no clear response, only that there are no current short-term plans to introduce better transport links. This community is home to over 2500 residents, yet they still have no bus services connecting them to the Wallan township or nearby train stations. Locals have raised their concerns with both the member for Kalkallo and the member for Yan Yean, but to no avail. The minister has offered no support either. This community is desperate for bus links to Wallan or even Donnybrook or Craigieburn, but nothing has been offered. I ask the minister: how much longer will the community of Hidden Valley be ignored in their need for better public transport?