Tuesday, 18 March 2025
Members statements
Rotary Club of Shepparton
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Rotary Club of Shepparton
Wendy LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (13:49): On 31 December 1973 the Rotary Club of Shepparton buried their first time capsule, which was recovered on 1 January 2000. I remember the capsule being recovered and a family I knew who were teenagers when their parents passed away receiving letters from their mum and dad. This had a profound effect on me, and I encouraged my own parents to write letters to their grandchildren as part of the next capsule, which was buried on 27 February 2000 and recovered on 27 February this year.
The recovery of the capsule has brought much joy to the recipients of letters and other artefacts buried for the past 25 years. For my family, the overwhelming emotion of just seeing the unopened envelope with Dad’s writing on it was amazing. The boys were so excited to read the letters from their grandparents, who spoke of their love for them and the special moments they had shared. Dad had also included some commemorative coins, and there was a birthday card to be opened on their birthday this year. I know so many others experienced the same joy as our family.
In addition to letters, memorabilia buried included newspapers from the turn of the century and many letters and bulletins from the then committee of community groups to the current committee. It is amazing how much has changed and yet how much still stays the same. However, looking at newspapers of the day did make me wonder if by the time the next capsule is recovered in 2050 a daily printed-edition newspaper may actually be a thing of the past. The capsule will be reburied on 31 May, to be recovered on 26 January 2050. Thank you to the Rotary Club of Shepparton for bringing our community so much joy.