Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Constituency questions

Eastern Victoria Region

Melina BATH

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Eastern Victoria Region

Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:50): (1456) My question is to the Minister for Environment, and it relates to the closure of the old port walking track at Port Albert, which has fallen into disrepair and is now inaccessible. Given that the port is a designated tourist area, and a beautiful one at that, it is crucial that tracks like this are properly maintained to ensure that they are safe and accessible and open for both residents and tourists. Minister, will you fast-track Parks Victoria planning and funding for the maintenance and reopening of this walking track and communicate when it will be reopened? In addition, Minister, there are other tracks that are still closed: Sealers Cove, Buchan Caves Reserve, Marlo –

The PRESIDENT: Your time has expired, but you can keep going.

Melina BATH: I have got a long list, President.

The PRESIDENT: No, don’t then. I think we have got your question.