Tuesday, 18 March 2025
Constituency questions
Southern Metropolitan Region
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Southern Metropolitan Region
David DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan) (12:52): (1458) My matter for constituency questions today is for the Minister for Industrial Relations, and it concerns corruption on Big Build sites. Specifically within my electorate there have been a series of reports about corruption on the Melbourne Metro site and indeed a number of the Big Build sites that deal with level crossing removals. But what we have seen is an incompetent government, a government that has failed to deal with these corrupt practices on sites, and millions of dollars of money is being siphoned off corruptly to union officials and bikies. It is time it stopped. It is time the industrial relations minister and the Premier got active and actually enforced the law, changed the law if necessary, to stop these corrupt practices which are siphoning off hard-earned taxpayers money. It is no wonder these projects blow out – (Time expired)