Tuesday, 28 May 2024


Parliamentary Workplace Standards and Integrity Bill 2024

Jacinta ALLAN, Michael O’BRIEN


Parliamentary Workplace Standards and Integrity Bill 2024

Introduction and first reading

Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (12:05): I move:

That I introduce a bill for an act to establish a Parliamentary Workplace Standards and Integrity Commission, Parliamentary Integrity Adviser and Parliamentary Ethics Committee, to make consequential and related amendments to acts and for other purposes.

Motion agreed to.

Michael O’BRIEN (Malvern) (12:05): I ask the Premier to provide a brief explanation of the bill.

Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (12:05): The Parliamentary Workplace Standards and Integrity Bill 2024 will establish the Parliamentary Workplace Standards and Integrity Commission. The government’s intent was outlined late last year, and draft materials have been provided to members of Parliament for their consideration as we have developed the bill for presentation to Parliament this week. The role of the commission will be to receive, manage and investigate allegations of misconduct by members of Parliament, ministers and parliamentary secretaries.

Read first time.

Ordered to be read second time tomorrow.