Tuesday, 28 May 2024
Anthony CARBINES (Ivanhoe – Minister for Police, Minister for Crime Prevention, Minister for Racing) (19:21): In the first instance the member for Caulfield raised a matter for the Attorney-General in the other place regarding seeking an update and a meeting with Jewish leaders in relation to the anti-vilification laws that the government is consulting on at this time, particularly in relation to some significant hate speech and attacks that we have seen recently. Actually the government has made laws, with bipartisan support, for the banning of the Nazi salute and the Nazi symbol. He did touch on the fact around police engagement on these matters and the subject of one of the local schools. We do condemn the recent vandalism and attacks, the hate speech and the hatred that has been put in place there by those who sought to display that in terms of vandalism and criminal damage. Police are always looking for ways to hold people to account. We will work closely with Victoria Police and the local community to make sure the perpetrators are held to account for those matters, and I will be sure to pass this on to the Attorney.
The member for Tarneit raised a matter for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure for an update on the Tarneit West station project, which includes four bus bays, an interchange, 400 car parks and a pedestrian crossing for locals. The member for Morwell raised a matter for the Minister for the State Electricity Commission. The action that he sought was an explanation on the employment numbers in the Morwell community with regard to the SEC commitments the government has made, and the member for Morwell outlined in detail his concerns there. The member for Point Cook raised a matter for the Minister for Public and Active Transport to join him at the Williams Landing station in relation to GAIC funding – growth areas infrastructure contribution – particularly around works to improve the Parkiteer facilities and other works at Williams Landing station. The member for Mornington raised a matter for the Minister for Emergency Services in the other place regarding action to secure further sustainable funding for SES services in his electorate and surrounds, which would include the Frankston SES and the Hastings SES in his broader region.
The member for Glen Waverley raised a matter for the Minister for Creative Industries, perhaps known by some in this place as the Dr Karl Kennedy of the Victorian Parliament. The action that he seeks from the Minister for Creative Industries is that he attend the filming of Neighbours in his electorate, and perhaps the Minister for Creative Industries could channel Alan Fletcher. I would note that many of us were at the launch of the campaign of the member for Broadmeadows with Harold Bishop. Can you imagine that? It brought the house down. He was far more popular than the rest of us who spoke at that campaign launch. It was successful because Ian Smith does have a very significant family connection with the member for Broadmeadows. For those of you who are seeking to look for campaign launch material: Harold Bishop, I highly recommend – very successful for the member for Broadmeadows.
The member for Prahran raised a matter for the Minister for Housing, and the action that he sought was for the Minister for Housing as soon as possible to end homelessness here in Victoria. The member for Box Hill raised a matter for the Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop seeking an update on the works and the engagement with Whitehorse council as part of that project, and I will be sure to pass that on to the Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop. The member for Narracan raised a matter for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. The action that he sought was to address the state of roads in his electorate, and he went into some detail about the matters. And of course the member for Bellarine raised a matter for the Minister for Education seeking action on an update on the redevelopment of Wallington Primary School. She touched on the fact that some $2.1Â million in investment commitments have been made at Wallington Primary School. I have been to many Wallington strawberry fairs, and I can highly recommend those, but let us make sure that the education minister is following up on those actions around investment for the member for Bellarine and Wallington Primary School.
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you, Minister. Thank you, members. The house stands adjourned until tomorrow.
House adjourned 7:25 pm.