Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Members statements

Pakenham electorate transport infrastructure

Pakenham electorate transport infrastructure

Emma VULIN (Pakenham) (12:54): It is a very exciting time in Pakenham at the moment. We are only six days away from the opening of two train stations. On 3 June East Pakenham will be taking its first passengers and stopping at the brand new Pakenham station. The crews have done an amazing job, and the stations look absolutely magnificent. Pakenham station in particular looks absolutely amazing. We have this beautiful artistic roof canopy, and its sheer opulence is amazing. I say a big thankyou to my community for the patience that they have shown while these works have been going on for a couple of years. During the last occupation the crews have been busy. They have removed the boom gates from McGregor Road, Main Street and Racecourse Road and demolished the old Pakenham station. This work is allowing the crews to now start building the other part of the roof canopy, the bus exchange and areas around the new station – also in preparation for making Pakenham level crossing free. I want to thank each and every person that has worked on this project. We appreciate your hard work and dedication, and it has made me, like many, feel really, really proud.