Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Members statements

Melton electorate schools

Melton electorate schools

Steve McGHIE (Melton) (13:17): In this year’s state budget Melton received not one but two brand new schools along with over $20 million to upgrade the existing facilities at Strathtulloh Primary and Toolern Vale and District Primary. The new 7–12 Cobblebank secondary college and Toolern Waters primary school are set to open in Melton for the 2026 school year. Both schools will receive a share of the $948 million package for new schools construction. Both brand new public schools will have state-of-the-art facilities to foster modern and adaptive learning environments for both students and staff. New facilities, like classrooms and gymnasiums, will create a positive culture for learning where the students of Melton can thrive and excel in their studies. In this government we know that all students, whether they receive a private or public education, deserve classrooms and facilities that give them the best chance to receive a quality education, and that is why we will continue to invest in new and existing schools to ensure all Melton classrooms are spaces where young minds can flourish.

But it is our Victorian teachers that truly make Victorian schools stand out. Melbourne is home to two of Victoria’s longest serving teachers, who have been recognised for their dedication to school students and families with a Recognition of Service to Victorian Education honour. I would like to thank Karen Ambrose from Exford Primary School and Benjamin Bykersma at Melton South Primary for their dedicated 40 years of teaching service. The impact that they have had on Melton students has been remarkable, and I thank them for their unwavering dedication to our fantastic students in Melton.