Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Members statements

Croydon RSL

Croydon RSL

David HODGETT (Croydon) (12:52): I rise today to congratulate the Croydon RSL sub-branch on celebrating their 100th birthday this past weekend. It was a pleasure to be invited to celebrate this milestone occasion at the Eastwood Golf Club in Kilsyth, which was well attended by many supporters, friends and family of past and present service personnel. The Croydon sub-branch was formed in 1924, with the local grocer John Knox as its first president and John Tate as its first secretary. In the 100 years since it was established, the sub-branch has been supported by countless people who have contributed to its success, either in formal positions or as volunteers. The Croydon sub-branch also deserves congratulations for holding well-attended Anzac commemoration services every year. This year had special significance as it was the first dawn service at the relocated war memorial at its new home at the James N Stevens Memorial Lawn at Civic Square, Croydon.