Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Members statements

Sienna Gervasi


Sienna Gervasi

Bronwyn HALFPENNY (Thomastown) (13:15): Sienna Gervasi is a year 10 student studying at Lalor North Secondary School. Sienna did work experience with me, and she made a fabulous contribution to my electorate office. It is always a pleasure hosting work experience students, who we hope will get a greater understanding of the work of a member of Parliament to encourage involvement in politics in any of its forms. I will now read some lines from her reflections:

During my week of work experience I experienced a friendly and safe work environment. Di and Korey were so helpful and worked really hard. In this week I was lucky to sit in question time in Parliament. On the day of question time I was introduced to the various people who welcomed me all. I do not think you understand or think that people are passionate, but during question time I saw people debating things and knew that they were doing it because they believed.