Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Members statements

Jurrawaa Stanley

Jurrawaa Stanley

Chris COUZENS (Geelong) (13:13): The Aboriginal community across the Geelong region and beyond has experienced significant sorry business with the recent passing of Jurrawaa Stanley. The ancestors took Jurrawaa to the Dreaming with his beloved wife Nikki and family by his side. Jurrawaa committed to education by sharing his history and culture with the broader community and was highly regarded in schools, kinders and the broader community. Jurrawaa has left a profound impact and a great legacy in his artwork, which can be seen across the Geelong region. He also leaves a legacy in the hearts and minds of those hundreds of children who have had the privilege of participating in learning about Aboriginal history and culture with him. Jurrawaa had such a strong commitment to reconciliation. He was always there playing his precious yidaki at Rec in the Park. This reconciliation week will not be the same. Jurrawaa will always be in our hearts.