Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Constituency questions

Eildon electorate

Constituency questions

Eildon electorate

Cindy McLEISH (Eildon) (14:37): (650) My question for the Minister for Emergency Services is from the Highlands CFA brigade. Why is it acceptable for the CFA to significantly cut the volunteer emergency services equipment program allocation to the brigade in order for the brigade to purchase an ultralight? The brigade accepted an offer for an ultralight tanker, a Toyota Landcruiser Workmate ute, in December last year. The grant of around $128,000 required a brigade contribution of around $24,000. The CFA said they were having difficulty sourcing the required vehicle, so the brigade spent six weeks and were able to source a vehicle at a slightly higher cost. The brigade are willing to pay the difference. Initially rejecting the idea, last night the CFA said the brigade could purchase this vehicle but the CFA would cut their contribution by building the firefighting body only, which would require the brigade to be an additional $50,000 out of pocket. This is not fair for a very small regional rural fire brigade.