Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Members statements

Holy Family School, Mount Waverley

Members statements

Holy Family School, Mount Waverley

Matt FREGON (Ashwood) (12:51): Speaker, it is always a delight to stand in this place, especially in front of your good self, but the highlight of the week has to be the Q and A that I did with the grade ‍5 and 6 students at Holy Family yesterday morning. I will tell you what, everything was on the table, from how much we get paid – which I took them through, and they thought that was pretty good – to, being a group of intelligent and enthusiastic kids, ‘What’s your favourite football team?’ Obviously my favourite colours are yellow and brown as well. The one thing that I must say I did not pick a side on was whether it is dogs or cats. I decided for political expediency there are some things that you just cannot choose. I just want to shout out to the school captains, who gave a warm welcome, Luca Salinitri and Cecilia Younane. Principal Julie David runs a great school down there. Thank you to Mrs Andrea Smith for organising the students for a wonderful Q and A.