Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Members statements

Croydon electorate level crossing removals

Croydon electorate level crossing removals

David HODGETT (Croydon) (12:53): On another matter, I urge the government to find additional ways to support businesses in Croydon impacted by the level crossing removal works. One trader’s message sums this up:

While I recognize the long-term benefits that the new construction will bring to Croydon, it is unfair that we, the small businesses, have to bear the brunt of the costs during the process. We have experienced a significant decline in trade and sales, as well as several power outages and footpath works that further our financial losses. Losing even a single day of trade is detrimental to our weekly operations. As a small business, we work tirelessly to make a modest profit, provide jobs for our community, and maintain our presence through these disruptions. It is becoming increasingly difficult to cope with the construction effects surrounding us. I give credit to the initiatives of the Level Crossing Removal Authority in supporting local business. However, I implore the government to do more.