Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Constituency questions

Sandringham electorate

Sandringham electorate

Brad ROWSWELL (Sandringham) (14:44): (658) My question is to the Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop. Sir William Fry Reserve is at the corner of Bay Road and Nepean Highway in my electorate. It is a beautiful area: rolling green hills of grass, beautiful trees, passive recreation areas, barbecue areas – an area that our community loves and enjoys. It is also the place where this Labor government want to slap the Suburban Rail Loop. It is the start of the Suburban Rail Loop, which no-one in my community has ever asked for. With the Suburban Rail Loop come 18 storeys of development, population growth, congestion, loss of open and green space, loss of passive recreation area, loss of space and added impacts on local schools and our Sandringham Hospital. My question is this: can the minister provide a detailed response on how the government plans to address these concerns and ensure that any development does not negatively impact the quality of life for residents in my community?