Thursday, 30 May 2024


Economy and Infrastructure Committee


Economy and Infrastructure Committee


Brad ROWSWELL (Sandringham) (09:34): I move, by leave:

That this house requires the Legislative Assembly Economy and Infrastructure Standing Committee to inquire into, consider and report by Friday 30 August 2024 on the impact of land tax on Victorian individuals and businesses and in particular that the committee examines matters including but not limited to:

the financial impacts of land tax on housing affordability and availability for renters and rental providers;

the impact of increased land valuations on the community, small businesses and the economy at large since 1 July 2018, when valuation authority transitioned from local councils to the Valuer-General Victoria;

the volatility of tax lines such as stamp duty and the impact of these factors on government’s decisions to introduce changes to land tax at the 2023–24 budget;

the process and criteria utilised by the Valuer-General Victoria to calculate land tax valuations;

arrangements for transparency and accountability for the State Revenue Office objection process;

the process and criteria used by the State Revenue Office when making determinations of land tax exemptions;

modelling, projections, costings and other forecasts concerning the future impacts of land tax on Victorian individuals and businesses;

analysis of historical land tax rates and potential need for bracket reform, taking into account increases to average and median Victorian house prices over time; and

any other related matter.

Leave refused.