Thursday, 30 May 2024

Rulings from the Chair

Visitor conduct

Visitor conduct

The SPEAKER (17:14): On a further matter, on 7 May the Premier took a point of order after the disturbance in the gallery and asked me to review what happened. I am now in a position to report back to the house. Members will understand that I will not canvass security arrangements in detail in a public forum, but I can speak about broad policy issues.

The protesters in the gallery that day breached the requirements of attending the public gallery. They also posed a risk to other building users, members, staff and other visitors and so were directed to leave the precinct. The protesters were public visitors, members of the public who were able to sit in the public gallery – in other words, walk-ups. Members should be aware that walk-up visitors pass through security screening, provide photo ID and have their belongings cloaked before sitting in the gallery. The protesters were violent, and violence in the workplace poses an unacceptable risk to members and staff, all of whom are here to do important work.

In considering the obligations that I and the President have under the Parliamentary Precincts Act 2001 we decided that one sensible risk management approach was to close the public gallery to walk-ups for a few weeks. This means that passholders and their guests may use the gallery as usual but, sadly, not members of the community who may simply want to observe their Assembly in action. My role as Speaker is to enforce the rules of this house on behalf of the house and to ensure the Parliamentary Precincts Act is used appropriately to ensure the work of the Parliament continues and that all building users are safe. I consider the matter closed.