Thursday, 30 May 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
TAFE funding
TAFE funding
Bridget VALLENCE (Evelyn) (14:13): My question is to the Premier. Of the 1514 people who enrolled in a certificate IV in plumbing under the free TAFE program, only 18 graduated, a completion rate of less than 1 per cent. There are drastically low completion rates in building and construction, with only 33 per cent of students finishing their course. Why is the Labor government’s free TAFE system failing?
Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:13): I thank the member for Evelyn, who represents Lilydale TAFE, which is only open because this Labor government unlocked the gates, the giant padlocks, that the Liberal government put on the TAFE campus. Are you going to tell me I am wrong?
Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, on relevance, Labor has been in power for 10 ‍years. This is about completion rates, and I would like to table the completion rates as well.
The SPEAKER: I ask members to make their points of order succinctly without elaboration. The Premier was so far being relevant and was giving some background.
Jacinta ALLAN: Of course you can only provide free TAFE once you have rebuilt, reinvested and reopened TAFE campuses that were closed, cut – teachers sacked – by the former federal Liberal–National government. We are proud of the more than $4.6 billion we have invested in Victoria’s TAFE network since 2015. We have added free TAFE to the opportunities for young Victorians to reduce barriers to being able to pursue an education opportunity, to pursue their career of choice, and it is another cost-of-living measure of course that is providing support to young people.
In terms of the question around TAFE completions and particularly free TAFE being used as a pathway into pursuing plumbing as an opportunity, one of the key factors behind particularly a young person coming into TAFE through free TAFE and then perhaps not completing that qualification is because they are out there on the job. They have got an apprenticeship; they have gone and got an apprenticeship. We know that free TAFE is a pathway.
Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, regarding being factual and succinct, we know that apprenticeships have dropped by nearly 13 per cent under this Labor government here in Victoria, and I would also like to table that data.
The SPEAKER: Member for Evelyn, I ask you to make your points of order succinctly. I will rule it out of order.
Jacinta ALLAN: Of course you could not do your plumbing TAFE course at Lilydale campus, which was closed by those opposite. You cannot study at a TAFE campus that is closed or where the teachers have been sacked.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: Order! The member for Bentleigh can leave the chamber for half an hour.
Member for Bentleigh withdrew from chamber.
James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, the Premier is debating the question.
The SPEAKER: The Premier was referring to TAFE and enrolments. She was being relevant, and she was not debating the question.
Jacinta ALLAN: As I was saying, free TAFE is an entry point. It reduces a barrier to entry, and it is a good outcome if a young person who has their barrier to being able to go and participate in education or training removed because of free TAFE is then able to use that as a pathway into an apprenticeship. That is a good outcome, and that is why we will continue to support our TAFEs and continue to back in free TAFE for Victorians.
Bridget VALLENCE (Evelyn) (14:17): Victoria’s TAFE is the lowest funded in the country. Labor has spent nearly $221 million in taxpayers money on free TAFE courses that students are failing to complete. Why are thousands of students failing to complete Labor’s TAFE courses?
Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:18): Well, the cat is out of the bag. Those opposite would cut free TAFE if they were given the chance. They would cut free TAFE.
Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, I value TAFE, unlike this Labor government –
The SPEAKER: Order! The member for Evelyn will resume her seat. There is no point of order.
Bridget Vallence: On a further point of order, Speaker, question time is not an opportunity to attack the opposition.
The SPEAKER: I do not know that the Premier had specifically attacked the opposition in her introductory commentary.
Jacinta ALLAN: The member for Evelyn talked about our investment in free TAFE as a waste. Let me say this: our investment in free TAFE has helped more than 170,000 students into free training. Not only has it reduced that barrier to entry; it has also saved these 170,000 students almost $460Â million since we introduced this initiative. This is why free TAFE is so important. This is why we will not cut TAFE.
Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, on relevance, the question went to nearly $220Â million in taxpayer dollars that has been spent on students not completing. The Premier referred to $460Â million. There is only 52 per cent on average, and down to nearly 1 per cent, of students finishing courses.
The SPEAKER: What is your point of order, member for Evelyn?
Bridget Vallence: It is on relevance and being factual.
The SPEAKER: The Premier was being relevant to the question that was asked.
Members interjecting.
Jacinta ALLAN: How is race 4 going? What has happened at race 4? The Warrnambool races were last week.
The SPEAKER: Order! Premier, through the Chair.
Jacinta ALLAN: I will share this with the member for Evelyn: of those 170,000 students, more than 87,000 were women – women who were able to pursue an opportunity. You cannot pursue an opportunity at a TAFE campus that was closed by a Liberal government. Under Labor you can have a free TAFE opportunity at our strong and vibrant TAFE networks.