Thursday, 30 May 2024

Members statements

Romsey skate park

Mary-Anne THOMAS

Romsey skate park

Mary-Anne THOMAS (Macedon – Leader of the House, Minister for Health, Minister for Health Infrastructure, Minister for Ambulance Services) (09:43): Back in 2022 the Lancefield Romsey Lions Club came to me with a dream to revitalise the Romsey skate park and the Lions Park reserve. I was proud to back this vision with a $500,000 election commitment announced onsite at a community barbecue hosted by the Lions. This funding was delivered in last year’s budget, but with cost escalations in the construction industry it was clear more funding was going to be needed. I was thrilled when this year’s budget delivered a further $400,000, meaning that this dream will become a reality. The kids of Romsey deserve nothing less than great recreational facilities, and the Allan Labor government is proud to back them in. Of course none of this would have been possible without the tireless advocacy of the Lancefield Romsey Lions Club. I particularly want to acknowledge Ged and Wendy McLaughlin, who are unwavering in their commitment to community service. Thank you, Ged and Wendy. It is a privilege to know you.