Thursday, 30 May 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: gendered violence

Ministers statements: gendered violence

Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:47): This morning I was asked by a journalist if there should be more done to hold toxic social influencers to account. Of course when I was asked this question I said yes, but what I really wish I had said was ‘Abso-bloody-lutely we should’. I debated whether I should mention this person or give this person any airtime, but as Premier I owe it to Victorian families to be honest and up-front about the growing trend of young men and boys watching Andrew Tate’s content. It is dangerous. For those who are not well versed in Andrew Tate, not only is he a far-right influencer, he is currently facing trial for rape and human trafficking. Online he is preaching the most disgusting and the most misogynist poison.

I will share with you just a couple of choice examples. There is a long, long list to choose from. For example: ‘If you put yourself in a position to be raped, you must bear some responsibility.’ He also made this comment: ‘I think the women belong to the man.’ This individual has taken toxic masculinity and thrown petrol on it. We know that this is having an impact on young men and young boys and having an impact on women in this state. That is why as Premier, as a mum and as a woman it makes me furious, and it is why I am acting.

Today we announced a new package of reforms that will change laws and will change culture and deliver a new support package for victim-survivors when they need it the most. We have fought for so long and so hard for women and girls to be safe and respected. We should speak up, we should give voice to this toxic masculinity, because we deserve to be safe, we deserve to be respected, and women’s and girls’ lives depend on us speaking up.

The SPEAKER: The time for questions has ended. We will now move to constituency questions.

Sam Groth: On a point of order, Speaker, constituency question 548 to the Minister for Children, regarding the Waterfall Gully kindergarten and their leaking roof, still is unanswered. It is important for this kindergarten as we move towards those wet winter months. I was hoping you could have that addressed, please.

Emma Kealy: On a point of order, Speaker, I have an overdue response to a question that I asked on 19 March. It was due on 18 April from the Minister for Environment regarding wild dogs. I ask you to pursue that with the minister. It is a matter I have raised in the past, so I am keen for an answer, as are my constituents.

The SPEAKER: Member for Lowan, could you give that list to the Clerk, please?