Thursday, 30 May 2024

Rulings from the Chair

Political material

Political material

The SPEAKER (17:17): On a further note, it is a long-held Westminster convention – and there are many rulings from the Chair – that any form of props, symbols or slogans that represent causes or political points of view are not permitted to be displayed, carried or worn in the chamber. In upholding this ruling I remind members that the rules exist for a reason. It is expected that members can make their points on any issue during debate in this house without the use of any form of visual support. I remind members that I will be upholding this ruling and suggest that there are many opportunities outside of this chamber to express views using symbols. It is also a convention that if there is broad support of the house for the wearing of certain attire – be that beanies, scarves or pins, for example – the will of the house is followed.

Business interrupted under sessional orders.