Thursday, 30 May 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Suburban Rail Loop
Suburban Rail Loop
David SOUTHWICK (Caulfield) (14:23): My question is to the Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop. Labor have consistently refused to reveal the cost of SRL East, including in the latest budget. How can Victorians have confidence that the major changes the minister announced today will not blow out the SRL’s cost and timeline?
Danny PEARSON (Essendon – Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop, Assistant Treasurer, Minister for WorkSafe and the TAC) (14:23): I thank the shadow minister for his question. The Suburban Rail Loop is a fantastic project which is going to completely transform the way in which Melburnians commute around our city, and it is going to make sure that we provide more housing options for Victorians as well. We have consistently said that the project will cost between $30 billion and $34.5 billion and will be delivered by 2035.
The budget paper reference that the Deputy Leader of the Opposition refers to relates to some of the initial funding and package of works. On the first package of works, a contract was entered into late last year, and that project came in under our expected targeted cost, and I advised PAEC of that when I appeared before them. We are currently out to market for the second tunnelling package, we are currently out to market for the two station boxes packages and we are also out to market for the line-wide package, which will be to operate the whole line. We are actively out there in the marketplace. It would be irresponsible to disclose what we expect those packages of works will be because we would be disclosing our negotiating position. I do not think the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party would think that that would be a smart move. As I have consistently said, the project will be delivered by 2035 and the estimated range is between $30Â billion and $34.5Â billion.
David Southwick: On a point of order, Speaker, on relevance, will the project cost more or less?
The SPEAKER: The minister has concluded his response to the main question.
David SOUTHWICK (Caulfield) (14:25): More than 1 million cubic metres of contaminated soil will be dug up during the first stage of the Suburban Rail Loop. This includes soil that falls under the most toxic classification. Can the minister guarantee that there are enough facilities in Victoria to dispose of the contaminated soil?
Danny PEARSON (Essendon – Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop, Assistant Treasurer, Minister for WorkSafe and the TAC) (14:26): It is important to note that the route that the SRL will traverse from Cheltenham to Box Hill is in an area which has basically been predominantly used for housing and agricultural purposes since 1835. There is very, very little in the way of contamination. There is a small amount of contamination around Cheltenham, and in relation to any soil that is identified as being contaminated, it will be disposed of through a licensed facility.