Thursday, 30 May 2024

Constituency questions

Mildura electorate

Mildura electorate

Jade BENHAM (Mildura) (15:00): (679) My constituency question is for the Premier, and my question is: will the family violence protection package actually help the Mildura multidisciplinary centre and their desperate need for expansion, with the highest rate of family violence in the state? The Mallee sexual assault unit and the Mallee domestic violence unit operate under the MDC, and they have been promised a new facility – in fact a building and land were purchased several years ago in the legal district in Mildura – to allow better connectivity with the police and the sexual offences and child abuse investigation team. In my very first month in this role I met with the teams, including Victoria Police members, and examined the plans that have been sitting idle for years. I ask the Premier if this new package will finally fund the expanded centre in Mildura and actually help victims and survivors of sexual assault and family violence. It is time for this government to put its money where its mouth is.

David Southwick: Speaker, on a point of order, there are a number of unanswered questions that I wish to raise, and I have raised these in the chamber before with you: question 1109 to the Minister for Public and Active Transport and question 1108 and adjournment 581 to the Minister for Transport Infrastructure. Could you follow those up please, Speaker.

The SPEAKER: Could you hand the list to the Clerk, please, member for Caulfield.