Thursday, 30 May 2024

Members statements

National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week

Ros SPENCE (Kalkallo – Minister for Agriculture, Minister for Community Sport, Minister for Carers and Volunteers) (10:00): I was very pleased to attend the Hume volunteers civic reception over the weekend to acknowledge some local hardworking volunteers as part of National Volunteer Week. I was particularly pleased to do this as Victoria’s first minister for volunteers and to show my respect for our incredibly valued and important community members. As part of this celebration more than 120 volunteers were recognised and thanked for the time that they give to our community. This year’s theme for National Volunteer Week was ‘Something for Everyone’, which asks all of us to explore the rich diversity of opportunities available through volunteering.

At the reception we heard from three fantastic volunteers: Eva Mazzel, a Gardens for Wildlife volunteer, Shayne Taylor from the SES and Megan Russell, who is part of the reconciliation action plan working group. Eva, Shayne and Megan spoke about not only the long-term benefits volunteering can have across the broader community but also just how important their experiences as volunteers have been in their personal journeys of growth and upskilling. I thank them for sharing their stories.

I am so pleased to see our hardworking local volunteers being recognised and celebrated for their contribution to our community. I know so many of our community members undertake volunteering roles. Our community is better thanks to them – from the CFA and the SES to every community sports club, the Craigieburn War Memorial and Remembrance Committee, local residents associations and so many more. As the local member for Kalkallo and Minister for Carers and Volunteers, I thank all those who give their time to benefit others in the community.