Thursday, 30 May 2024

Members statements

Alexandra Park, Mornington

Alexandra Park, Mornington

Chris CREWTHER (Mornington) (09:59): The other day I toured the almost completed Alexandra Park, Mornington, redevelopment with Mick and Johnno. Once finished this will be wonderful for Mornington Football Netball Club, Peninsula Raiders Superules Football Club, Mornington Cricket Club, the Bays and all users. The pavilion will be an amazing sports hub with state-of-the-art shared rehab and community facilities and will even have a bit of a balcony. And you never know, we might even get the member for Nepean coming along and maybe breaking another ankle or leg playing a footy game at the grounds. This project has been a long time coming. I originally started advocating with Greg Hunt along with Mick, Martin and the clubs from 2016 onwards, with funds announced when I was MP covering Mornington in 2019. Flinders MP Zoe McKenzie has since been elected and has done a great job to see this work through to fruition using these funds. A bit over five years later it is terrific to see this project nearly done.