Thursday, 30 May 2024
Mary-Anne THOMAS (Macedon – Leader of the House, Minister for Health, Minister for Health Infrastructure, Minister for Ambulance Services) (17:37): The member for Berwick raised an adjournment for the attention of the Minister for Police, and the action that he sought is that the minister meet with police officers experiencing PTSD. The member for Pakenham raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the action that she sought is that the minister join her to see the impacts of a $6 million commitment to improve the McGregor Road corridor in her electorate – fabulous. The member for Ovens Valley also raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the action that he sought is that the minister look at the ways in which engine brake noise can be mitigated for the people of Glenrowan.
The member for Laverton raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Children in the other place, and the action that she sought is that the minister join her in her lower electorate at Truganina to see the community centre that is being developed there with funding from our government from the Growing Suburbs Fund, from the Building Blocks fund and from the Living Libraries fund. I am sure the minister looks forward to doing that. The member for Kew raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Education, and the action she sought is that the minister consider payroll tax in relation to Cornish College. I know the member would really welcome the news that in fact that college did receive $4 million of funding from our Labor government to support the development of a VCE centre. That is a pretty significant investment in that independent school.
The member for Mordialloc raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Environment, and the action that he sought was an update on the dredging plan at the Mordialloc Creek. Thank you for sharing the significance of the Mordialloc Creek to the people of your community but also its significance to the Bunurong people over millennia.
The member for Brunswick raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Consumer Affairs, and the action that he seeks is that the minister consider how to incentivise energy-efficient appliance standards for rental properties. The member for Albert Park raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Police. The action that the member seeks is that the minister join her at the Southbank police station, which under our government has seen more than 70 additional police employed, I think.
Nina Taylor interjected.
Mary-Anne THOMAS: Fifty-nine. Anyway, I am sure the minister will look forward to visiting those police officers with the member.
The member for Warrandyte raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Emergency Services. The action that she seeks is that the minister provide additional funding to the SES. And the member for Clarinda raised a matter for the Minister for Development Victoria. He is seeking that the minister join him at the Coomoora development in Springvale South. I know that the minister would very much welcome that opportunity, because it is an opportunity to see the support and investment that our government is making to ensure that we are bringing on more housing supply. Indeed the member talked about the 47 townhouses that are being built on that site. It is a very important initiative for the member’s community, and as I said, I am sure the minister will look forward to joining him at Coomoora.
The SPEAKER: Thank you, Minister. Thank you, members. Thank you to the clerks, the attendants and the staff across the Parliament. The house now stands adjourned.
House adjourned 5:42 pm.