Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Members statements
Leading Senior Constable Pat Storer
Leading Senior Constable Pat Storer
Ms MAXWELL (Northern Victoria) (09:49): I wish to commend Leading Senior Constable Pat Storer, who recently retired from Victoria Police. Leading Senior Constable Pat Storer, known to many as simply Pat, proudly served in the Victorian police force for 44 years. Fourteen of these years have been dedicated to local service as the officer in charge at the Violet Town police station. I recently attended a community celebration for Mr Storer that was hosted by local Chris Raeburn and the CFA, who set up a great guard of honour to farewell and thank him for his service. A lot of community members were in attendance to give their well wishes and thanks. In speaking with locals, a consistent message was how these are going to be hard shoes to fill. Indeed many of them joked that they had trained Pat so well they would have a tough job ahead to train a new officer in the ways of their community. I get a sense that a caravan is going to be a key part of Mr Storer’s next chapter, and I wish him all the best in his retirement with his beautiful wife, Kate.