Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Constituency questions
Northern Victoria Region
Northern Victoria Region
Ms LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (12:34): (1773) My question is for the Minister for Regional Development and concerns funding for the redevelopment of the Shepparton Sports Stadium. I have spoken numerous times about the importance of this infrastructure project to the Shepparton region, which will transform the current stadium into a world-class Shepparton sports and events centre. Appropriately the redevelopment of the stadium is a high-priority infrastructure project for Greater Shepparton City Council as a job-creating project that will attract more major events to the region, equating to an additional $12.3 million in visitor spending in the Goulburn Valley each year. Thanks to the Liberal candidate for Nicholls, Steve Brooks, federal Minister for Sport Richard Colbeck recently visited the stadium, and as a result the federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development has committed the federal government’s share of the project, being $25 million. Will the minister commit the state government’s funding share of $20 million to stage 1 of the Shepparton sports and events centre?