Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Constituency questions
Northern Victoria Region
Northern Victoria Region
Mr QUILTY (Northern Victoria) (12:33): (1772) My constituency question is for the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events. Victorians have now been signed up for the Commonwealth Games and all the costs associated with them, whether they want them or not. The regional games reveal that this government thinks of regional Victoria as only places within 150 kilometres of Melbourne. You have left out almost all of Northern Victoria. You have also left out the shooting sports. I have a solution to both these problems. Northern Victorian towns like Wodonga, Wangaratta, Shepparton, Swan Hill and Mildura all have sporting shooting facilities that would make perfect venues for shooting and archery comp sports at the 2026 regional games. The cost of upgrading ranges to international standards will be low and leave a legacy for northern Victorian sporting shooters. Northern Victorians and Victorians in general are keen supporters of shooting sports. Without them the 2026 games will be a sad show for many. My question for the minister is: will you bring the shooting sports to the actual regions and to the towns of Northern Victoria that are currently missing out on the so-called regional games?