Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Members statements

Australia’s Biggest Blood Pressure Check

Australia’s Biggest Blood Pressure Check

Ms WATT (Northern Metropolitan) (09:53): May is blood pressure awareness month, and it is timely that I make this members statement. It is a reminder for all of us to get to the pharmacy or doctor and check our levels. It may indeed save your life. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is the greatest modifiable risk factor for stroke. A quick and painless blood pressure check can be all it takes for someone to change their lifestyle and reduce their stroke risk. Each May the Stroke Foundation promotes the importance of blood pressure checking as part of Australia’s Biggest Blood Pressure Check campaign. It coincides with World Hypertension Day on 17 May.

High blood pressure often goes undiagnosed as it has no immediate symptoms. Over time it puts extra stress on blood vessel walls and can lead them to narrow or even break down, which may eventually lead to a stroke. A staggering 4.7 million Australians are living with uncontrolled high blood pressure, and many do not realise it. High blood pressure puts you at an increased risk of stroke no matter your age, no matter your health. To find a local pharmacy which provides blood pressure monitoring services, head around to your main shopping strip and I am sure you will find one there, or head to