Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Members statements
Bill Ludwig
Bill Ludwig
Incorporated pursuant to order of Council of 7 September 2021:
Earlier this month on the 11th of April we lost a titan of the union movement and one of the greatest advocates of working people’s rights—‘Big’ Bill Ludwig.
Bill spent his entire working life making sure that people got a ‘fair go’ in the workplace—advocating for better working conditions, improved OH&S standards and fair pay.
He began his working life as a gun shearer in the 1950s, where his first contact with the union occurred. It was not long after that he started advocating for shearer rights and was part of the bitter shearers’ strike in 1956 for which he was blacklisted.
He served as AWU QLD branch secretary for 25 years and AWU national president for 16 years.
A quiet but commanding figure, he never shied away from a battle—big or small. He was fearless and dogged in his approach to ensuring worker rights were always represented, and he was certainly the type of person you wanted on your side.
Bill stood up for all working people even when sometimes they were unable to advocate for themselves. He lived and breathed by the motto of ‘A fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work’.
During my time at the AWU, I had the great honour of working with this remarkable man, and his knowledge and determination to make working life better for not only AWU members but all working Australians was extraordinary.
Many AWU members today owe their working conditions and safe workplaces to Big Bill.
He had 67 continuous years as a proud AWU member.
I send my deepest condolences to his family.
Solidary forever, mate. You will be deeply missed.