Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Constituency questions
Western Metropolitan Region
Western Metropolitan Region
Dr CUMMING (Western Metropolitan) (12:35): (1774) My question is to the Minister for Housing in the other place, and it is from Brimbank City Council and one of my local constituents. In this year’s budget, how much has been allocated to alleviate homelessness in Brimbank? My resident says:
I have 4 kids … living in a tiny apartment … sleeping anywhere on the floor or on some mattress … We are in … need of … a permanent roof.
… help me in affordable long-term housing, so we can settle down and the children won’t ask me ‘where are we going next …
In the budget $32 million has been allocated to invest in making homelessness rare, brief and non-recurring through both output and asset initiatives. Brimbank is experiencing the highest rate of homelessness in the west. In the 2016 census 1460 people were experiencing homelessness, and that was an increase of 30 per cent from 2011. (Time expired)