Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Ballarat Road, Albion
Ballarat Road, Albion
Ms VAGHELA (Western Metropolitan) (17:40): (1906) My adjournment matter is directed to the Honourable Ben Carroll MP, Minister for Public Transport and Minister for Roads and Road Safety. This adjournment matter relates to the portfolio responsibilities of roads and road safety. After facing two long years with multiple lockdowns, finally life is getting back to normal for Victorians. Communities are hitting the roads to get back to work, children are back at school and residents are eager to go out to socialise. However, some safety issues have persisted despite the road upgrades that have been happening during COVID lockdowns. Ballarat Road in Albion is notorious for being unsafe for motorists and pedestrians. There have been reports of multiple deaths because of accidents, and instances of near misses are a daily occurrence. In particular the intersection of Western Ring Road and Ballarat Road when driving towards the west from the city is prone to accidents as the road markings are not clear. Drivers travelling west on Ballarat Road are often confused about which lane to take when they cross under the bridge. I believe that there is a need for clearer road markings in that particular area. This is a busy intersection that connects Ballarat Road to the Western Ring Road. Trucks, cars and other vehicles share the road, and they all deserve to be safe.
Road safety is an important issue, especially as the traffic is increasing. For the safety of the community, it is very important that this issue is resolved as quickly as possible. The action I seek from the minister is that he provide me with an update on when the government can resolve this dangerous issue for the residents of the Western Metropolitan Region and other road users.