Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Western Metropolitan Region schools funding
Western Metropolitan Region schools funding
Dr CUMMING (Western Metropolitan) (17:49): (1909) My adjournment matter is to the Minister for Education in the other place, and the action that I seek is for the minister to provide an update on the new schools promised in the Western Metropolitan Region in the 2021–22 budget, including designs, construction updates and time lines.
Last year’s budget promised $492 million to build 13 new schools across the state. They included Holyoake Parade primary school in Manor Lakes, Lollypop Creek primary school in Werribee and Tarneit Missen House primary school. These three schools were due to open in 2023 and the new Truganina North secondary school in 2024. The budget also included funding for a new stage of Tarneit Senior College, but this year’s budget shows a different story. The Truganina North secondary school is listed. Some of the other schools announced in the 2020 and 2021 budgets have separate line entries.
All the schools announced in this year’s budget appear to have separate line entries. There is a blanket amount in 2019–20 and 2020–21—the school’s construction—but there is no separate line item or mention of Lollypop Creek primary, Holyoake Parade primary school or Tarneit Missen House primary school. On the Victorian School Building Authority website it says that Lollypop Creek primary, Holyoake Parade primary and Tarneit Missen House primary schools are under construction, yet only indicative site plans are available. So are these schools a priority?
Between 2016 and 2041 the population of Wyndham is forecast to increase by 285 531 people. That is a growth of 125 per cent. This is one of the fastest growing areas in the state, and these need to be a priority, especially for our children, especially with the large birthrate in Werribee. So, Minister, could you please show me the costings, designs, construction updates and time lines from the previous budget so I can understand fully this year’s budget of 2022–23?