Wednesday,11 May 2022
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Leongatha road safety
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Leongatha road safety
Mr BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (12:00): My question today is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Minister Carroll in the other place. I recently visited Leongatha at the request of a constituent, and I visited a very interesting and dangerous pedestrian and bike/walk intersection where the track meets the South Gippsland Highway. As you come up to it, you walk up to a fence and then the fence stops you from crossing the road whether by bike or by foot. Then you have to dismount and cross with no pedestrian crossings. It is a highly complex, highly dangerous intersection. It is very hard to explain, as you may have guessed. My initial question is: will the minister join me in visiting the walkway so he can see what is required, to assess how to make it safer for the local community?
Ms PULFORD (Western Victoria—Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Resources) (12:01): I thank Mr Bourman for his question and for his interest in this particular intersection and road safety—pedestrian safety and the safety of all road users—in this area and around the state. I will seek a written response from Minister Carroll for Mr Bourman.
Mr BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (12:01): I thank the minister for referring that on. If the Minister for Roads and Road Safety is unable to visit the crossing with me, will he at least commit to building an underpass under the road so that people can cross without crossing probably the most dangerous intersection in town?
Ms PULFORD (Western Victoria—Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Resources) (12:01): I thank Mr Bourman for his further question about Minister Carroll’s ability to either visit or undertake some investigations about this particular spot. I will also seek a written response from Minister Carroll for Mr Bourman.