Wednesday, 19 June 2024
Members statements
Grant and David
Grant and David
Moira DEEMING (Western Metropolitan) (09:54): Today I want to tell you about two brothers in my electorate, Grant and David. They both have gorgeous red hair and adorable personalities, and I have watched them both grow up and bravely face the challenges of having complicated heart defects which have resulted in numerous, very serious surgeries. David has severe hearing loss and goes to a very special school run by very special people, the very special Jennings Street School in my electorate. I know Grant has been having a really rough time lately, so I just want to congratulate Grant here in Parliament with all of my colleagues for being such a wonderful son to his mum and dad and such a responsible big brother to David. Most of all I would like to give him a really big shout-out for always picking himself up after making mistakes and for focusing on doing what is right. That is all anybody can ask of him, and we are all very proud of him and we think that he has a bright future ahead of him.