Wednesday, 19 June 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Emergency services
Emergency services
Georgie CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (12:08): (566) My question is to the Minister for Emergency Services. Minister, during PAEC you were asked to provide a breakdown of how the $1.729Â billion budgeted for emergency services is being distributed between our emergency services. The breakdown you gave in response leaves $375.6Â million unaccounted for. Minister, where is the extra $375.6Â million being spent?
Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:09): I thank Ms Crozier for her question. Can I clarify: in terms of the material you are referring to, was that the material that was taken on notice and then returned back to PAEC, or are you referring to my evidence at PAEC?
Georgie Crozier: Your evidence at PAEC.
Jaclyn SYMES: I will have to review my evidence at PAEC. Also, I can provide to you the written responses to questions on notice that are in relation to the breakdown of expenditure, because from my recollection I offered to Mr O’Brien to take that on notice because I was not in a position to waste the time of the committee flicking through all of my folders and going through each agency. So the question that you are asking me directly relates to the question I took on notice, and I am prepared to provide that answer to you.
Georgie CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (12:10): Thanks, Minister, for that assurance. I think there was a response that you did provide. The response given to Parliament included the Victoria State Emergency Service, Fire Rescue Victoria, the CFA, Triple Zero and Life Saving Victoria. The breakdown did not include a budget for emergency services Victoria. Could you confirm whether emergency services Victoria has been allocated the entire $375.6Â million or if there are other allocations? You might need to come back on that as well.
Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:10): I appreciate the question; I am more than happy to answer it. There are a range of agencies that are in the response, including the State Control Centre and the like. As my response to your substantive question, we have signed off the response to PAEC, which I think will go directly to your questions. If there is anything outstanding, I am more than happy to provide that. That is not a problem.