Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Constituency questions

North-Eastern Metropolitan Region

North-Eastern Metropolitan Region

Richard WELCH (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:48): (936) My constituency matter is for the Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop. Over the last two weeks nearly a thousand people in my electorate have signed and joined with me in saying yes to parkland and no to overdevelopment in Box Hill. Another petition by the brickworks parkland association has attracted almost 2000 signatures. For the thousands of locals who have signed, turning the Box Hill brickworks into a thriving public park is one of their top priorities. Open space in Box Hill will fall from 36 square metres per person to just 6 during the SRL property development project. It is with deep concern that I was informed by an SRL official that the Suburban Rail Loop Authority is in discussions with the owner regarding the development of the site and a road through it. Will the minister respond to calls from community members to commit to no new housing development on the Box Hill brickworks site and convert it into much-needed, vibrant public parkland for the benefit of the local community?