Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Constituency questions

Northern Victoria Region

Northern Victoria Region

Wendy LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (12:58): (944) My question is for the Minister for Housing. When will the promised social housing announced for Macedon Ranges in 2020 as part of the four-year Big Housing Build be fully completed? In 2020 the government promised to spend a minimum of $30 million in Macedon Ranges as part of its four-year Big Housing Build program. Four years later we are in the middle of a housing crisis, yet Labor is not even halfway to fulfilling its promise. The big build website reveals only $12.5 million, less than half of the promised $30 million, has actually been allocated, to four social housing projects that will supposedly deliver 25 homes. It also shows a mere six of those homes have been completed and claims that 19 homes are under construction. However, I have been informed that one project, which is supposed to deliver 12 homes in Lancefield, has not even commenced. Completing just six homes in four years is a disgraceful effort on the part of this government. Many of my constituents in Macedon Ranges are desperate for housing, but this Labor government has let them down again with another broken promise.