Wednesday, 19 June 2024
Victorian artificial limb program
Victorian artificial limb program
Georgie CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (18:28): (979) My adjournment matter this evening is for the attention of the Minister for Health. Limbs 4 Life is Australia’s peak body for people with limb loss and provides resources and supports to Australians pre and post amputation. The CEO Melissa Noonan AM contacted me to raise concerns about the future of the VALP, the Victorian artificial limb program, after she wrote to the Secretary of the Department of Health in April. Unbelievably, she is still to receive a response. So somewhat frustrated, as you can understand, Ms Noonan is seeking confirmation of the status of the VALP, including eligibility to access prosthetic providers and details of its funding.
She noted that up until last year the health department had dedicated staff to oversee the program, yet this is no longer the case. She has particular concerns around people aged over 65 who are ineligible for NDIS support and have problems accessing prosthetic providers, including those regional Victorians who cannot access local services under the VALP. For example, Ms Noonan informed me that while there is a prosthetic provider in the Shepparton and Echuca area, over-65s funded under the VALP are forced to travel to Melbourne or Bendigo to access services. A further concern is that new amputees are being referred to generic rehabilitation centres rather than those dedicated to amputees, which is prolonging the rehabilitation process.
I think the ignoring of the letter from Ms Noonan by the department and the government is a very concerning development by the Allan Labor government. To completely, as I said, ignore this important program is yet another example of the dire state of the Victorian budget – that they are not providing the funding or the support. It is vulnerable Victorians who are paying the price. The Allan Labor government cannot manage money or budgets, and they certainly cannot manage our health system. Importantly, now they are failing to support those very vulnerable Victorians, such as these amputees, that need that support with these really important programs.
The action I seek is for the minister to review Ms Noonan’s concerns and provide a response to Limbs 4 Life’s inquiry as a matter of urgency. It cannot be delayed any longer. Just get on with it, and at the very least respond to the letter that the department secretary has had on his desk since April.